Start a profitable side business today | with Full Time Job

Start a profitable side business today :

Start a side business today

I did everything right while growing up. I studied hard, earned good grades, attended an Ivy League university, and obtained both my bachelor's and master's degrees in mechanical engineering, followed by an MBA from NYU.

I secured a job on Wall Street, earning six figures a year analyzing data for traders and management. While the work-life balance was decent, I always sensed that something was lacking. I never felt like I had complete control over my life. Deep down, I believed I had much more potential and that I wasn't meant to be confined to an office all day.

During my time in business school, I worked at a nightclub on weekends to help cover my expenses. I enjoyed it so much that, while still working full-time, I decided to launch my own entertainment company.

How to Start a Side Business While Working Full Time :

I started with just an idea, a kind of manifestation. At first, I doubted its feasibility. However, I started to make the most of my free time, taking small steps toward my goal. My aim was to build a website and book dancers for private parties and events, ultimately reaching a point where I could leave my full-time job and support myself through the profits of my entertainment business.

Initially, I was lost on how to begin. I had a general idea of what I wanted to accomplish, but no clear direction. This is often when many people abandon their dreams; if something isn’t straightforward, they tend to shy away from it. In college and graduate school, things were easier because they were structured. At the start of each semester, I would receive a syllabus outlining what we would cover. But in business, there’s no syllabus, and I had to create my own. That’s where the trial and error phase starts—the failures.

During my one-hour commute to work, I watched YouTube videos on how to build websites. Then, in the evenings and on weekends, I rewatched those videos and worked on my own site. It was crucial for me to take small steps and ensure I built on those each week. Trying to tackle everything at once would have been overwhelming. After I created my website, I got a Google Voice number to screen calls while I was at work. I shared my website on social media to help attract visitors, and gradually, more people started coming to the site to book dancers for parties and events. I managed all of this while still working full-time.

Tips for :  How to Start a Side Business 

If you're feeling trapped in a nine-to-five job and want to chase your passion beyond the office, here are some tips for launching your own side business while still working full-time.

Treat Your Life as a Business

The moment you choose to embark on a side hustle with the goal of eventually replacing your full-time job, it's essential to start viewing your life as a business. This shift in perspective means that time is your most precious asset, and every minute of your day holds significant value.

Use Your Time Wisely

It's also crucial to manage your time effectively. You should distinguish between passive and active tasks. For instance, learning about website building through videos is a passive task, while actually creating a website on your computer is an active one. Utilizing your passive downtime for passive tasks is essential. During my breaks at work, I would watch YouTube tutorials on website building, and once I got home, I dedicated about 30 minutes to an hour each day to actively work on my website.

Consistency Is Key for side business 

I found it much more effective to work for 30 minutes to an hour after getting home from my day job throughout the week, rather than trying to cram three to four hours of work into one session. Since I was still working full time, tackling smaller tasks in shorter bursts helped me train my brain for success. I could build on those small victories and feel a sense of accomplishment after finishing each task. If I had waited until the weekend to tackle three to four hours of work all at once, my mind would have resisted, leading to procrastination and ultimately not getting anything done.

Starting a good Side Business: Road Map to Success

Landing a high-paying job in the corporate world seemed straightforward for me. I simply followed the well-established path: studying diligently, getting accepted into a reputable school, maintaining high grades, preparing for the job interview, and successfully passing it. Throughout this journey, I had the support of mentors, professors, alumni, and many others who guided me. However, when I embarked on my side hustle, I found myself without that same level of guidance. It became a process of experimentation, trial and error, and I’m still navigating through those challenges. While my business hasn’t reached a point where I can leave my full-time job just yet, I’m optimistic about achieving my goals within the next year. I’m gradually building my company and truly believe that anyone with a dream can do the same.

FAQs on Starting a side business 

Can I start a business and work full time?

This varies depending on the job, as some positions require you to sign agreements regarding outside business activities. It's important to review any legal documents you've signed. However, if there’s no conflict of interest, you can definitely start a business while working full time. In fact, I would encourage it, as it alleviates the pressure of relying on your business to cover expenses during its early growth phase.

Can an employer fire you for having a side business?

The extent to which this applies depends on the specific employer and employee, as well as the agreements they have established. It can differ significantly from one employer to another, so I recommend that anyone in this situation seek legal advice first.

What are some good side businesses to start?

A great side business is one that you are truly passionate about and can commit to consistently over time. I suggest considering online businesses due to their low overhead costs. Additionally, it's beneficial to identify a niche within an industry you love and explore ways to monetize it while planning for future growth.

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