8 Ways to make money Using Pinterest App


Table of Content :

  • Introduction 
  • 8 Ways to make money on Pinterest .
  • Pinterest Virtual Assistant .
  • Earn Through Affiliate Links
  • Earn Through Partnership. with Brands .
  • Be a Pinterest Consultant 
  • Driver Traffic to your E-commerce Website. 
  • Drive Traffic to Your Blog or specific Article.
  • Drive Sell Pinterest Templates
  • Drive Teach Pinterest Marketing 


Currently Pinterest is used by numerous organizations to promote their goods and services indirectly. Pinterest is more than just a web-based amusement app. It also presents chances to make money directly on the site. Here is an article designed for people who want to increase their online income by pinning items using their Pinterest accounts.

Is It true ? I can make money Using Pinterest App ?

The answer of the Question is
Yes ! 

There are many opportunities to make money using Pinterest App. Does Pinterest pay users like YouTube pays some of its video creators? No, but if you use the website intentionally, you can still use it to make money and improve your business or personal finance.

Pinterest works by allowing users to create pins, which are usually images or videos with links to outside websites. So if you take advantage of those links, you can learn how to make money on Pinterest.

A successful Pinterest strategy just requires some planning. First, create a Pinterest Business account. Then consider how you’ll attract other pinners to your website or another destination where you can earn an income. Here are some options to consider.


Here is 8 Ways to earn money using Pinterest app ;

1. Earn Money Through Pinterest Virtual Assistant

The Question is What is Pinterest virtual Assistance ? The answer of this question is ;

Pinterest virtual assistants run accounts for other users. You can create pins, promote them, and schedule content for brands. So , in this way you can earn money from Pinterest as a Virtual Assistant.

If you want to earn more money as a Pinterest user, you can create your own account to show your abilities. Then place your services on your website or contact your favorite brands to offer your services.

2. Include Affiliate Links in Pins

In Pinterest affiliate business marketing you can creat pins that include a direct affiliate link to relevant products or services. Like Amazon,  Shopify etc . When another user of Pinterest clicks the link from your pin, they’ll be directed to a website where they can purchase. If they visit and purchase something from the targeted website, you earn commission from each of the sale. Sign up as an affiliate with your favourite brands and sprinkle in affiliate links with other content that’s valuable to your audience or traffic .

3. Partner with Brands

We can redirect traffic to a specific website using Pinterest App and earn money through commission.

But you can also do partnership directly with Branded sales companies to promote their products or services for shoppable idea pins. This technique basically requires that you already have a lot of followers and traffic on your Pinterest account. To monetize Pinterest in this way, create rates you’ll charge brands for single pin post and other content as well . So in this way you can earn many dollars through this partnership method.

4. Offer Pinterest Consulting Services

If you have successful experience of creating your own successful Pinterest strategy, then offer Pinterest consulting services to other brands salers . First, you need to conquer your ability to promote your own website using the Google  search engine. Then market to other Pinterest users looking to make money with their Pinterest strategies as well . But first promote your website and practically show your skills to other people . So , They will hire you as their Pinterest Consultant.

5. Drive Traffic to Your ECommerce website

If you sell physical products and things  , Pinterest can be a perfect way to bring in more customers and luck to you. Create pins that include photos and links to your products you want to sale. Then your pins can raise brand awareness and bring more interested customers to your specific website. Work more affectively on Pinterest and get more traffic for your website which will increase your sales as well .

6. Drive Traffic to Your Blog or specific Article 

Similarly, bloggers can use Pinterest to drive traffic. This increases blogging income if you use sponsored posts or affiliate links to monetize your website. The more customers you bring through Pinterest, the higher your chances of running a valuable and successful blog.

In this case Pinterest can help you to drive more organic traffic to your website and you can earn from Google Adsense or other monetization methods .

7. Sell Pinterest Templates

Lots of Pinterest users depending on the website to bring traffic to their online content or products. And certain types of photos and design elements are more likely to perform well on the website. For example, many interesting pins include a photo with text over it. Your templates may include the basic version of these images. So your customers can simply insert their own images and headlines as well.

And an image with text will also explain the purpose of the post .

So if you are a good graphic designer, you can design some unique images and you can sell them as well through Pinterest App .

8. Teach Pinterest Marketing:

Online teaching is more famous now days .Many experts saling their skills online .If you’re a Pinterest professional expert, you can teach your strategies to other online business owners in exchange for a money .So, launch your own website and create an online course with various modules. You might even include it with content about other social media platforms or marketing strategies.